About the operation
Aqua Vista farm was bought in 2013 to develop into a fish farm. We started the project with a 2 dam setup and 3000 blue tilapia fish. We did research on the internet and used the experience we had from keeping fish in fish tanks to build and experiment. Within the next year we developed and tested various filter types and filtering materials and systems. Our goal was to ensure we build plant equipment that can sustain a healthy and high density fish population. All equipment and spares need to be procured locally and plant equipment was built on the farm.
2014 we bought 3000 an additional 3000 Red tilapia fingerling and we constructed our green house that we fitted with 7 x 3000 liter tanks. During this year we redesigned the entire system to cater for the extra fish load in the system. We started to build a hatchery and we learned how to breed our own fingerling's. With us now producing our own fingerling's. we had to once again expand our holding capacity and we installed an additional 5 x 3000 liter and two smaller tanks in the greenhouse. We installed power generator and alarm monitoring system to protect the fish against power loss and to warn us should any of the air ration system fail.
In the last two years we have constructed a fully functional recirculation grow-out system and a Hatchery that produces 4000 fingerling's every 40 days.
We have done marketing and started to sell our fish. To our surprise we sold our fish faster than we could grow them and we realized that we need to expand. We have also realized that our breakeven point for this system was 2 tons of fish and we went back to the drawing board. Based on our current system we have now designed a 13 ton system that will produce 2.5 tons of fish every 40 days and make our operation fully sustainable and profitable.