Our Tilapia fish is grown in salt water and is hormone free.
Our large Red tilapia fishes are raised in semi salt water and are now ready for market and weigh in at just over 500 grams per fish. It takes the fish just under a year to grow to market size under the correct conditions.
This is our grow out fish that is fed a plant based high protein feed. in ideal conditions they will reach market size in just under a year. It is from this stock the we select our brood stock based on body shape and color.
Here the tilapia has a big appetite and grow fast. They are able to start to reproduce. We keep the density high to prevent them from breeding.
They are the perfect size to stock ponds and aquaponic systems.
Beautiful fingerling sold to Fish farms, Pet shops, Pond owners, Crock farms, and Snake feed. This is a high protein snack.
Still Tilapia large fry growing into fingerling size. From this size we sell them as fingerling. They are now eating aggressively and are growing fast. they will even eat small fry and will grow faster if you can feed them algea
We harvest the eggs from the females and incubate them to produce 4000 mall fry every 30 days.
Market Size 500 gram
Below market size 200 to 450 gram
Medium Tilapia 150 gram
Tilapia fingerling 50 gram
Tilapia Fry 3 gram
Tilapia Fry 1 gram
Tilapia Dried for Cat snacks